
Archive for May, 2014

Those fics I mentioned the other day? Posted.



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Amazing what happens when you set one stubborn little project aside.

Two short stories hover startlingly near completion. My writers’ group is enjoying the heck out of The Invasion. So am I. I look forward to its submission, sometime in the next two months. Counter Clockwise is settling; I’ll get back to it soon.

At the same time, two fics roll merrily along. One is the ‘strange little fic’ I posted about a while back, that had taken too dark a turn for my taste. It pulled back from the edge and is turning into a lovely little Ten/Rose tale. I will probably post it before long. The other is just silly fun with no future. Who knows what will happen with it.

And on top of all that, a blog I enjoy put out a call for submissions, to which I replied because why not. To my amazement they have asked me for a draft of an article! To be delivered in three weeks! I guess I better get on that!

In short, I have plenty to do, and a habit of going spontaneously unprepared that will possibly no longer work.

Life is learning.

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